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Yarm School Sixth Form present two one act plays this February. 

First is Antigone, performed by Lower Sixth form students, set in a war zone bunker.
The city of Thebes has survived the siege – but only just. As the citizens emerge from their underground security into a fragile peace, a new leader, Creon, looks to establish how he will govern.
Will Antigone submit to his authority?
And if she defies him, what will be the consequences? 
Then the Upper Sixth perform The Storm, Or, the Howler (after Plautus) by Peter Oswald, an appalling mistranslation of a Roman Comedy by Plautus. 
An unscrupulous pimp flees a deadly rival, running out on a deal and taking his girls with him, but a storm casts them all straight back onto the shore.
A lovelorn young fool has been cheated out of his money as well as the slave-girl he has paid for.
An old man lives on the beach in near solitude, his long-lost daughter captured by pirates and sold into slavery years before.
Could all these plots possibly be somehow connected?
Performed in our Studio Theatre.