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The Queen Experience

Friday 1st November 2019 8:00pm

Booking and Show Times

November 1, 2019 8:00pm

The Queen Experience

Adults £15.00, Student £12.00, Concession £12.00

Princess Alexandra Auditorium


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The QUEEN EXPERIENCE | Featuring Legendary LIVE AID Performance

THE QUEEN EXPERIENCE performed by KILLER RHAPSODY : are the hottest and most riveting tribute to Freddie Mercury and Queen. publicly endorsed and featured on none other than Dr Brian Mays guitars –

A performance over 2 hours long and synonymous with the energy and passion of one of the world’s biggest bands, Killer Rhapsody use their years of experience in live music to produce one of the most genuine and authentic Queen and Freddie Mercury experiences.

With the benefit of youth but also experience, collectively possessing over 50 years of high end live performance in the UK and across Europe, Killer Rhapsody keep the Queen experience alive. They bring the theatre that every Queen performance bore to those who experienced them first time and the new fans discovering the magic of Queen today.



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